Chords from the Deep! Let’s explore some wide registered, 8 string chord voicings through a simple four chord progression. Specials thanks to Kiesel Guitars for lending me one of the most comfortable 8 strings I’ve ever played. Check out Kiesel Guitars
Here are a couple of simple examples of how we can add some tension or outside sounding chord progressions.
Let’s take a look at some Maj and Min 7th shell voicings. You can easily connect them horizontally across the fretboard to create great sounding melodic riffs. And increase your fretboard vision!
Let’s take a look at a simple progression where we can focus our attention on some new chord voicings, chord inversions, and simple voice leading to create a memorable melody.
In this lesson we take a look at ways to create variation in our guitar riffs and songwriting. Lesson TABs[\member]