Let us begin our modal journey with the Major Scale. Not only is this scale the foundation for all other modes but there is beautiful tension and color found within.
Here’s a cool guitar riff that not only takes advantage of the extended range of an 8 string guitar but also includes some great chords, augmented harmony, and open strings.
This arpeggio pattern was inspired by Nick Johnston. We take 6 string arpeggio pattern which includes slurs (hammer-ons) while ascending and full left hand legato (hammer from nowhere)as we descend down the chord. I put it against a fun chord progression to practice this arpeggio.
11/8 is one of my favorite Time Signatures or Meters to play in. Here is a super simple riff that can help clear up any confusion on how to play or count 11/8.
Chords from the Deep! Let’s explore some wide registered, 8 string chord voicings through a simple four chord progression. Specials thanks to Kiesel Guitars for lending me one of the most comfortable 8 strings I’ve ever played. Check out Kiesel Guitars